Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year! - 2012

Hello friends!

I have been introduced to Pinterest and have very much enjoyed all the recipes and decorating tips from the blogs. . . . so I thought I would attempt to re-activate my blog. If nothing else, I can print my blog and remember all of the fun we have had this year with the boys!

We are on our last day of vacation/Christmas break. Bryson and I took the week between Christmas and New Year's day off and have really enjoyed spending time with the boys. We have played with their new toys, we took them to Branson for an overnight stay on the Landing. We went swimming and also watched Chipwrecked. We rang in the New Year with friends and family and had a great time!! The only thing missing was a little snow and hopefully we'll get some of the white stuff soon!

I haven't uploaded our Christmas Break pictures yet - but I can't post without pictures!! Below are family pictures from this summer. My very good friend Elizabeth took these pictures. You can see her work at

Parker is 9 years old (almost 10!). He is such a great kid!! He is so tender hearted and SMART! He loves to play soccer and is very creative. He is always writing something down and creating new schools or new lunch menus, new cities. He just amazes us every day!

Grant is 7 years old and is ALL BOY!! He shot his first deer this year and is really coming to love hunting. He loves his legos and like his brother, he can is also very creative! He will spend hours in his room just creating new inventions with his legos! He loves his dog Campbell and is so witty!! He says the FUNNIEST things!!

Evan was 4 when this picture was taken. He is now 5 and is just a delight! He keeps us on our toes - that is for sure!!! He LOVES to be outside all the time! He got a new ride on tractor and trailer for Christmas and has ran the battery down twice. He is so funny!!

I will leave you with the above pictures and hopefully will return later this week with an update from our crazy life with a Trio of Boys!

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